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Take a Step into My Life

My name is Bridgett Sona, I am a Jersey native through exploring my life in Maryland. With being a senior in college, I have been able to spend the last four years of my life living between different parts of Maryland. Its been exciting, I like change and the new experiences that come along with it. As for my personal self, I am active, hardworking, and a loving person. I enjoy spending my free time with my friends, as well as exploring new places to dine, drink, and shop. Although, I tend to use my spare time working extra shifts in order to pay for my mountain of bills.

In life, I dream of becoming a news anchor, I love talking to people and overall communicating with anyone around me. I have been studying journalism and marketing to receive my degree in May, and I feel it has prepared me for my future. Some of my other alternative jobs would be to work in marketing and or creating my own business.

Through these goals and aspirations I designed my blog to fit the view I have of my future. I chose the background to be New York City because it is a place I dream to live and work at. I also decided on marble prints with peach tones to represent my sleek, classy style. Through this blog, I plan to share my graduating journey and life goals. I feel as that I have a good grip on the world thus far being an extremely independent adult; therefore sharing my experiences may be insightful to my readers as well. With this niche, I like to use my personals thoughts and experiences to compare to topics we cover in class, by expressing the importance of media, self image, and professionalism.

In addition, through my goals for this blog, I can begin to discuss more of my posting strategies. When I mention professionalism, it is defiantly something that I think about quite often. To be honest, I get very bothered with people when they do not understand how to separate their professional life from social. As well as communicating with people that give little to no care on how they speak and present themselves. Yet, we are not perfect as humans, speech is something I just tend to take pride in. As for an interest of mine, I like to see how people use their social media accounts. With this class titled as social media, it is definitely something we will discuss as people tend to use these sites "incorrectly".This interest I have is to understand why people overshare on the internet, as well as how people become so successful.

While this is just a mere glimpse into my thoughts, goals, and dreams, I am excited to use this space as a creative display. I look forward to creating more posts, and being able to discuss the many topics I will learn in the near future.

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