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New Media Journal

After spending this past week documenting how much I use my phone and what apps I visit throughout the day, the results were shocking. I always thought of myself being someone who uses their phone on a pretty scheduled time, and well only when I am bored. During the week, my phone usage was for hours each day mindlessly scrolling through apps like TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat. While also adding in the amount of time I spent watching movies and TV shows on other platforms like Netflix and HBO. I would say my average usage from Tuesday-Thursday was about six to eight hours a day. It was very shocking to realize because I do think of myself as a busy person and yet it seems I am mostly busy with looking at the internet.

Although, I do give myself some credit because of how low my phone usuage was on the weekends. Granted, I am a waitress and bartender who gets incredibly busy wokring an average of forty hours on the weekends; there was not much time to access social media. Yet again, as soon as Monday and Tuesday rolled around, I was back to having high hours of phone usage.

From this assignment, I have been able to track my phone usage and attempt to be more concious of it. I feel that during these times of high usage, I could be spending time doing homework, wokring out, eating, or anything else that could relalive me stress from my timely scheudle. Although, being on my phone can be a form of relaxation, I think after this assignment I can try and plan my time usage better, and hope to lessen the hours I spend on my phone.

Image was accessed from PxHere.

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